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Decorating Flowers With Proper Vases

by WongRachel

Decorating Flowers With Proper Vases

As a kind of vessel, the appearance of the vase makes the flower branches more elegant. There is an art of matching flowers to the perfect vase. Find the right one and you can create real impact, even with just a few simple blooms. 

1. Column Vases

Choose a slender column vase to show the elegance of long-stemmed flowers such as lilies, gladioli and sunflowers. This narrow shape vases can provide a good structure to display decorative branches or tall flowers and keep everything looking sleek .

Column vases can be displayed as a decorative part of your entryway table, book shelf or in your guest room.

2. Hourglass Vases

This vase is particularly suitable for short-stemmed, large, round-headed flowers such as roses, hydrangeas and peonies. It is wide at the bottom, narrow at lip and base, and slightly open at the top. Its curvaceous style will really highlight the voluptuous shape of your bloom.

3. Round Vases

A round or fish bowl shape vase is not suitable for all flowers, but when it is filled with tulips, gerberas or with mixed hand-tied bouquets, it must feast your eyes.

Before you put the flower  into the vase, you should cut the stems to the height of the vase, make them stand proud, and then titivate the flower heads to create a gorgeous dome effect.

4. Rectangular Vases

Rectangular vases look great in modern interior design. They are also ideal when you want a whole arrangement of single stems like daffodils or tulips, because the flowers have room to unfold.

5. Ceramic Vases

Ceramic vases are a fun way to switch up your style. These vase shapes can range in textures, colors, and styles to match any decor you like.
You can choose to match with rose, lilies and so on.
Ceramic vases also work great in decorating bookshelves or outside entertainment areas. 


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